Centre for Cellular Imaging

Overview of Services


Since 2003, the Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI) has offered services in advanced light microscopy. The facility focuses on the imaging of biological events at the cellular/molecular level of fixed or living cells or tissue and is open to all researches. We offer training in using the systems and give advice on specimen preparation. In addition, we teach undergraduate and graduate students in cellular imaging. 

At CCI you can image multi-colour fluorescent specimens, make 3D images, time-lapse experiments with living specimens, measure molecular mobility and interactions, make correlative LM/EM imaging, carry out super-resolution structured illumination (SIM) and single-molecule localization (PALM/dSTORM) microscopy, perform high-content screening (HCS) microscopy and much more. We also offer the laser microdissection and pressure catapulting (LMD/LMPC) technology for non-contact sample handling using medical and biological materials for RNA or DNA recovery, protein analysis and also for cloning/live cell culture purposes.




Head of the Facility


Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez


Additional Members Jens Berndtsson

Rafael Camacho

Karl Zhang

Massimo Micaroni

Simon Leclerc

Anders Folkesson




Centre for Cellular Imaging (CCI), Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg
Medicinaregatan 7A, Box 435
405 30 Gothenburg

Links, materials and resources

More informartion about the facility available on our website. 

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for events and what is going on in CCI.




Name Role Phone Email Location
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez
Head of the Facility
0046-(0)31-786 9719
All members


Fixed Cost Services

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Assistance (3)
User training (9)
Consumables (31)
Fixed charges for combined equipment and staff time (2)
Sample preparation (15)
Sample preparation equipment (5)
